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21 Creative ways to save money

Cool ideas to redeem wealth

Money saving tips

Creative ways to save money is a hack to redeem your wealth. Money cannot buy you happiness and peace but it definitely does solve 99% of all your problems. The peace of mind, financial security gives is very important which definitely leads to lasting happiness. Creative ways to save money bring delayed gratification.

It can help you have funds for emergency, leave a financial legacy for your children, and will give you freedom in all choices you make. Reduces an extra burden from your day to day activities. Having healthy spending habits is the key to success in many aspects of life. Never pay for anything you can try for free. Make use of the public library, parks, beaches, and events. A good amount of money in your savings can also give you a career change you wanted. The best thing about being an adult in which all mentoring and education from childhood brings to you is where you can make money to design your life. So if you need to live life the way you like, it is time to save money and to make it fun using creative ways to save money.

1.Piggy banks

Let’s start from the basics. Creatively saving pocket money began during the middle ages where household wares were made of a clay called ‘pygg’ and metals were valuable. So women at home whenever they had extra brass coins they put it in their ‘pygg’ holders which when onto becoming evolved into piggy banks. This is still a creative way in which we teach kids to save money daily. Every great wealth starts with coins, so it is a universal behavior to take care of your pennies and the notes will take care of itself. Putting your money in a till where we can’t take without breaking whenever we save some little money can add up to a great deal in a few years. It also reminds us how we have to be aware of all other spendings since we are valuing simple coins so much.

2.Cashback purchases and Coupons

Shopping cards and bank cards have many cashback facilities. It is a best practice to make use of these creative ways to save money. It is always smart to search on coupons and deals before making a purchase. The most interesting thing about coupons and cashback is it can save money creatively in which we all already love doing — shopping. Look up to also to get gift cards and points from sites for registration, doing surveys, and doing mini-tasks in the small waiting times while browsing online.

3.Shop on sales

Be a smart shopper. Wait for the sale time to shop at your favorite store for items like clothes, accessories, and books. Also, remember sales are also highly researched marketing tricks to make you splurge. Take precautions to not buy too much because you are convinced the products are at a lesser price than usual. Be creatively thoughtful to purchase stuff where you can mix and match to use for repeated times. And not to buy costly stuff for wear and tear purposes. The main slogan here is as much as you should make use of a sale, do not buy things just because it is on a sale. Do your homework on your needs and match it with the demand and price value to make an informed decision to redeem your wealth in a cool way.

4.Audit your personal finances

Define your goals on savings and investments for an estimated period. Record and analyze your money habits in a timeline. Compare whether the income estimates are coordinating with the actual results. Follow the rule of the third where you divide your income into three acts — long term savings, deducting your debt, and buying happy things. This helps you from being deprived and keeps you in a motion of happiness state.

5.Fixed deposits for interests and savings account

It can help you save as well as earn money through interest at the same time. This is a definite investment like gold purchases. Get over your fear of online banking and make use of it. This reduces transport costs and ATM fees. Seeing the savings account balance add up is a really good motivation for saving more money. Savings account interests are not really high compared to how it used to be but seeing it grow is definitely worthy and goal-pushing.


Beauty boxes to pet food, there is all kind of subscriptions available. Cut down all your subscriptions of magazines, video streaming, music, and many more not essential recurring fees. Keep the only value-rich subscriptions to save money in a creative way. Just imagine if you had recurring passive income coming to your bank account is better or a deduction in your bank account. Use creative ways to save money to invest in your earnings. For video and music services share accounts with someone you know saves money in a creative way. There are free trials available, in which you can make a decision on which is the best service to subscribe to. Keep it minimal as you can.

7.Ask for deals and discounts before paying.

Most of the time, we are not informed about the ongoing discounts when we are in a hurry and haste. Every time before you take your card or cash out of your wallet to pay. Inquire about the deals and let them update it prior to your billing. Do your homework on where to and how to ask for price negotiation, learn the tricks of it. Offer to pay with a card where there is a better saving when cards are used because it is a worthy creative way to save money.

8.Vacations and weddings

Plan and book your hotels and flight tickets in the low fare season. Having your holidays and parties planned well before a long period can help you make healthy choices with money and the quality of experience. Have a budget and plan your events like weddings well and execute with good price comparison and benefits. It is always best to save up your money wisely and invest it somewhere else than splurge for a one-day event.

9.Home parlor

We all love pampering and looking good. Try skincare treatments and haircuts at home with the tools and ingredients you have at home. You have all the raw materials already which is what you are going to be applied on in a facial, make use of it. Ask your parent or partner to make the haircut for you for weekly grooming. Pedicures and manicures at home by soaking in water to having the right tools are hygienic and money-saving. Save the salon for a special even as a creative way to save money.

10.Cook once, eat twice

Cook your meal once and eat twice. When you prepare your lunch, have a plan for how you are going to jazz it up for the dinner as well. Usually, this is the practice of many families that has conscious eating habits. Take in more vegetables than meat. This can help you spend less money creatively.

11.Compare prices

Plan and buy everything once a month in a wholesale or a cheap grocery store comparing prices. Have a buy nothing week. This saves transport costs and also makes you feel good to have a cabinet of things you need to cook. Make use of the price comparison sites especially when buying things like a tablet or a laptop. It also gives you a summary of the key points to consider saving your research time which influences major purchasing decisions.

12.Start a garden

Growing your own food saves a lot of money and puts you into creative and thoughtful hobbies. It is also fewer preservatives in your food and fewer hospital costs in the long run. You can also sell the extras you do not need. Growing your food is beneficial both to your physical and financial health. It is definitely one of the best creative ways to save money.

13.Impulse purchases

Wait to make a decision especially before buying something of a large cost. Sleepover it and see whether you still want it the next day. Most of the time the impulse would have vanished. Avoid browsing shopping sites too much. Retail therapy is not a cure in the long run if it brings a dent in your budget at the end of the month. Instead do window shopping, keeping your cash and card at home to save money creatively as well for a temporary high to see things in the showroom. Unsubscribe from email lists that stimulates you to buy off-plan. Take someone with you to remind you when you chose emotion over sensibility but also lets you shop freely to make intellectual purchases.

14.Sell your stuff

All pre-loved items like books, clothes, and old furniture could be sold out to second-hand shops or given for recycling for a price. You can use this as a go-to tip on creative ways to save money. Virtual market places and yard or garage sales are a great platform for selling your used things. Follow the KonMari method, say thank you, and pass your stuff on, of course with a price. A clutter-free home saves money where you do not have to reapply for a lost document or pay for extra transport when shifting a home.

15.Quit bad habits

Sweet addiction, soda, smoking, and liquor habits come with a high price tag. And also remember the health care costs which will bring if the habits prolong. Medication or a replacement habit helps people quit their bad habits. Invest in a counselor for cost-saving in the long run. Bad habit addiction affects your health and your wallet. Think of how to save money and time to invest that in a better creative way.

16.Repair clothes

A small tear in your not much-used outfit does not mean it has to be discarded. Have a small stitching kit with threads, buttons, and needles in your house. With the help of a few YouTube videos, you can mend your clothes elongating its life period. Also, money has been saved creatively. You can also exchange clothes or books with your friends or siblings are ways to save money creatively.

17.Reusable water bottle

Studies say, using a reusable water bottle and your home boiled water to keep you hydrated can save you $1400 a year. It helps the environment and your health is an additional creative benefit to the money saved were it cuts chemicals from your water. Refilling at office water coolers is an option for all.

18.Avoid fast foods and prepared meals.

Delete all the food delivery apps because it will make you buy even when you are not hungry. Take homemade lunch to work minimizes your money expenditure in a very big way. Prepare your own meals for the week buy cutting the veggies needed and keeping it ready for the week. Some even have their meals cooked for the week ahead. Avoid buying frosted foods, pre-cut, or packaged meals. It is a waste of money and everything tastes better when you cook it yourself. It is just another extra five minutes to dice your vegetables in your cooking schedule. Buy your groceries in bulk. This is a cool idea to redeem your wealth.

19.Make your own coffee

It saves $1000 a year. Coffee brewed at home is a manageable cost than the premium options we go to on the go, which is mainly the packaging. Everything you can buy in a restaurant, try making at home. Trust me, it tastes better and saves money creatively. When we eat out we do not pay only for the food but also to run the business in the name of service and convenience. When we eat homemade meals, it is just much cheaper and brings your family together. It also will instill better habits like the least possibilities of substance abuse or obesity and even better grades and be socially connected. You don’t really have to stop eating at restaurants altogether, keep it planned for a weekend. These staying ins will add up to long term money savings.

20.Snack smarter

Ditch the processed foods for daily life. Have a stock of snacks for you to munch on in your kitchen. This elevates your mood and also cuts down the urges to order out for a small craving. Carrying nutritious bars in your bag for work keeps you energized and stops you from buying the red velvet cake piece in desperation. Giving you a sugar crash leading to low levels of energy. Nuts, dried fruits, dark chocolate, and baked veggies or fruits are some of the most delicious foods that can satisfy your cravings and saves your money. This helps kids to have good nutrition as well which is healthy and indulgent. Healthy snacking also reduces overeating.

21.Save power

Use LED lights and invest in energy-efficient appliances. LED lights remain cool and last long using only 2–17 watts of electricity and does not have any dangers to health. Open your curtains and windows when its cooler outside than in your house. Allow natural light and wind to flow into your home bringing wellness and positivism reducing the bacteria in the house. Remember to turn off the lights and fans when you leave the room in the evenings. Reducing your water heating expenses, by using the normal temperature water as much as possible. If you really need air conditioning, make sure the room is sealed for better temperature control with adequate energy. This will not put stress on the air conditioner’s duty. Service your appliances regularly to cut down repair costs or buying another new one after the warranty period.


Upgrading your lifestyle can always be done while saving money in creative ways. It is only a decision and a quick process to chose the absolute best life within the budget. The above ways will make you debt-free giving you total freedom in your choices. You don’t owe anyone is a feeling everyone deserves. You don’t have to hold your marriage or any level up because you have college loans to pay. No debts remove all your anxiety and fear from you today.

These small changes can eventually lead to a beautiful own home for you even or start a business and employ people to drive it. A person with frugal skills is a person towards success than if you made choices for the pleasure of today.

When choosing comfort and convenience over low costs, remember not to say no for quality health or education down the line. Always spend less money than you earn. Every step you take the widen the gap between your savings and earnings will bring you opportunities you had never imagined. To elevate you to a better person in the right place with the right tools.

The main take away from the creative ways to save money is not just spending less but you will notice there is a pattern of all these money-saving habits leads to better health and a happy mindset. Take the time to analyze your costs and make educated decisions that will support your long-term goals.

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